ICSE Class X Computer Applications ( Java ) Solved Model Question Papers 01

Question 1.
a.       Define Encapsulation.
Ans: The wrapping of data and function together into a single unit is called Encapsulation.
b.      Name any two OOP’s principles
Ans: Inheritance and Polymorphism
c.       Define Object with an example.
Ans:  Object: An instance of a class called Object. The table is an instance of class Furniture.
Class: Blue print of an object is called Class. Example, mango, apple, and orange are members of the class fruit.
d.      What is wrapper class? Give example.
e.      A wrapper class is a class which wraps a primitive data type. Example Double, Float, Integer

Question 2.
a.       What is a class variable?
Ans: Instance variables having the keyword static before it is a class variable. For every object, there is just one copy of the variable made.
b.      What is the significance of import java.io.* in your program?
Ans: The line imports all the classes of the java.io package into the current program.
c.       State the two kinds of data types.
Ans: The two kinds of data types in Java are primitive and reference data types.
d.      Define impure function.
Ans: Impure Function: A function that brings about a change in the argument that it receives. Its arguments will always be reference types. It may or may not return value. In other words, an impure function brings about a change in the state of the function. This change in state is called the side effect of calling an impure function.
Static void count(Number num) 
e.      What are comments? Name the different types.
Ans: Comments are statements which enhance the readability and understanding of the program. They are not part of the program.
The different types are: single line (//….), multiple line (/* … */) and documenting comment (/**….*/).

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