Tic-Tac-Toe with C++.

 Tic-Tac-Toe Game Once more, the game chosen for this paper is Tic-Tac-Toe. In this game, there is a board with nine slots and two players where each make moves alternatively by putting an x or an o, if the move by a player makes a straight set (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) of three x’s or three o’s, then that player is declared the winner. If none of the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal slots are filled and there aren’t anymore slots to fill, then the game ends in a draw. The following pictures show the progression of a game from start to finish, started by a player and winner with the symbol x:

For brevity and simplicity, we assume that in this implementation, a human plays against the computer. There are several variations [17] of this board game. The game can be played human to human, computer to human, human to computer, and computer to computer. Following the diagram below, the design would be to make it possible to go to the previous states of the current game. There will be statistics visible about the games played, including win and draw counts. Other details and controls that are available are shown by the following diagram:

For planning purposes, the diagram shown above with two columns of elements will be used. We will describe all the elements on this diagram with a Tic-tac-toe board and the statistics along with other elements during gameplay:

The first element in the left column of the elements is a label element displaying the name of the game Tic-tac-toe. The second pair of elements shows the mode of the game. It could be H2H for a human to human game when alternative play between two humans, H2C when a human (lead player) is playing against the computer, C2H when the computer (lead player) is playing against a human, and C2C when the computer is playing against itself. This element can be set by the user by clicking on the setUp element. Next, the group element of nine cells shows the tic-tac-toe board, where the player can click and make the move. Next, the group of five elements shows the controls to go to the initial (“«”) state, previous (“<”) state, the move number, control to go to the next (“>”) state, and the final (“»”) state in the current game. The two elements (“«”, “»”) move the state of the board to the beginning and the last states respectively without changing the statistics of the game set. Next element shows the status or the result of the recent move (e.g., showing Winner is x).

In the right column of elements, swingout shows the number of games won by the player x so far, oWinCount shows the games won by the player o, drawCount shows the number of draws, leadPlayer shows the player who made the first move, nextPlayer shows the player who is going to make the next move, and movesCount shows the number of moves made so far in the current game. The element setUp invokes setting up the game parameters, such as the game mode (H2H, H2C, C2H, or C2C), the leadPlayer (x or o), and other parameters which could be added later to enhance the game. The element initialize initializes the board elements to play the next game, the element move instructs the computer to make the next move (if the mode is C2C), and element stop halts the game. 

Initially, these labels convey future actions or values represented by these elements for the developers. Once the software is fullydeveloped, these labels can be altered so that they are clearly understood by the software’s player or user.

The purpose of this diagram is to clearly specify the output required and give an insight into the software’s function. This will also allow us to define a class with appropriate data and function members. We will not attempt to address these issues related to the user interface in this paper.

class CTicTacToe
       private: string mode;       // mode of the game H2H, H2C, C2H, or C2C 
       char board[3][3];            // board
      char result;                      // result of the game ‘c’, ‘x’, ‘o’, or ‘d’

 int xWinCount;           // win count for 'X'
 int oWinCount;            // win count for 'O'
 int drawCount;            // draw count
 char leadPlayer;           // first player 'o' or 'x' for all games
 char nextPlayer;           // next player 'o' or 'x', and blank (' ') if game over
 int movesCount;           // moves made so far in current game
 int nextR;                      // current or next move's row
 int nextC;                      // current or next move's column
 string history[9];            // for each move x|o, r, c, and x (9 tuples max for a game)
 int cursor;                     // the position of move if viewing history of moves

 CTicTacToe(void);       // default constructor for a game
 ~CticTacToe();            // destructor for class CTicTacToe
 void setUp(void);       // sets the game parameters
 void displayCurrentState(void);      // display board with stat
 void getNextMove(void);               // get nextR and nextC for the next player
 void makeNextMove(void);         // make next move based on nextR and nextC
 void checkResult(void);             // sets result to x won | o won | d draw | c continue
 void stop(void);                        // stops current game set and display stat

 void updateResult(void);                   // display message after current game is over
 void initialize(void);                           // resets board to blanks
 void moveToPreviousState(void);      // update board elements with previous board state
void moveToNextState(void);             // update board elements with next board state
void moveToFirstState(void);             // update board elements with first board state
void moveToLastState(void);              // update board elements with last board state


Main algorithm for the game Create a gameSet of type CTicTacToe
Display gameBoard (3x3 board and the stats)

Do forever
 Get action
 If exit from game desired then exit loop
 Take action
 Update gameBoard
 CheckStatus Display Status
 If current game is over
 Initialize gameBoard for new game
 Update gameBoard

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