Computer Basics and Programming

 Computer Basics and Programming
Computer is composed of three major components :
(i)                  Hardware (which we can touch upon)
(ii)                (ii) Software (operations, instructions etc)
(iii)               Liveware (users/Human beings who interact with H/W & S/W)
(iv)               Software can be classified in two main categories
(v)                (a) System Software which is used to run computer system
(vi)              (b) Application Software which is used to solve specific problem/applications
(vii)              System software can be divided into the following types.
(viii)            (i) Operating System which is a group of programs that acts as an interface between the user and machine and as a resource manager
(ix)              (ii) Translators which convert the programs in any language into machine language.
(x)                 (iii) Loaders/Linkers
(xi)              (iv) System Utilities Translators are of two types ;
(xii)              (a) Compilers : These are of two types : Interactive (IDE), Noninteractive (e.g. FORTRAN compiler)

(xiii)            (b) Interpreter (e.g. BASIC Language interpreter)

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